A Middle East Message to Joe Biden

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A Middle East Message to Joe Biden

The assassination of Iran's nuclear mastermind together with the normalization of ties between Israel and the Gulf states is a reminder for the Biden administration that the pro-American coalition in the Middle East is determined to fight Iran.

If Israel is indeed behind the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, head of Iran's military nuclear program, then the importance of the operation speaks to Iran's relationship with the US administration no less than it does to the efforts to undermine the Islamic republic's nuclear capabilities.

Regardless of whether US President-elect Joe Biden's administration decides to follow in the footsteps of US President Barack Obama when it comes to Iran, any new nuclear deal drafter in Washington will undoubtedly be influenced by the new president's global and regional considerations.

Biden has to take into account Israel's determination to curb Iran's nuclear aspirations in the Middle East at any cost. These aspirations pose a severe threat to Israel for the first time since June 1948.

The threat is not a nuclear one. Iran's nuclear weapons and missile technologies are meant to give the regime immunity from providing firm answers to its conventional moves or the moves of its regional proxies.

The regime aims to impose its hegemony over the region, using its brutality and sophistication while exploiting the current weakness of the Arab countries.

If the radical Islamists in Tehran harness the region's vast economic, strategic, and religious resources, Israel will struggle to defend its borders, and Europe will face immediate and considerable danger.

It is a threat of global significance, currently being actualized in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen.

If necessary, Israel is willing to use force to prevent this scenario from unfolding. One has to be delusional to assume that it can be prevented without applying economic and military pressure on Iran.

If Washington and Tehran reach an agreement, it would not bode well. Iran's agreement in any matter would be conclusive evidence of its success in deceiving the Biden administration. Such a deal would be eerily similar to the 1938 Munich Agreement between Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and then-British Premier Neville Chamberlain.

Israel has been taking preventive measures against the Iranian regime in recent years, and with the Trump administration's support, Israel has succeeded in nearly stopping the regime in its tracks in Syria.

Most Arab countries know full well that only Israel can prevent this nightmare scenario. This is the main reason why the Gulf states are pursuing normalization with Israel, though some have not yet to state as much publicly.

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